All Saints' Bells

All Saints' Church, Basingstoke

All Saints' Church, Basingstoke has an active band of ringers  who ring regularly for practices and services as well as other special occasions both locally and nationally. The band range in ages from teenagers through to those who would rather not reveal their ages. We are always on the lookout for new and returning ringers to join us.

The All Saints' Ringers went on their annual Summer Outing on 29th June 2024 - see the photos in the Gallery

6 Towers in one day!

Click here to see recent performances

Go to the Join Us page to find out more about becoming part of our ringing band. 

For information about the history, art and architecture of All Saints' Church, visit this website

Ringing Times

The bells are rung weekly prior to the 9:30am Sunday service and for our Monday evening practices. There is also ringing for weddings, special events (both local and national). Full peals (3 hours) and quarter peals (45 minutes) are rung on a regular basis as well as opening the tower for ringers to visit from other towers.

The Bells

The tower is unique in bell ringing history - the original nine bells were the only diatonic ring of nine hung for English change ringing. There are other churches with nine bells, but these do not form a "major scale".

Performances on the bells in 1946 caused great controversy in the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, until the rules were changed in the 1970s to allow peals to be rung on nine bells. A tenth bell was added in 2016. 

A table of the Bells data is below, and for more information see the  Tower History  and The Nine Bells pages